I'm annoyed - and most people know I don't get annoyed easily.
I've recently noticed that there are some people who take a lot of things... and I mean A LOT of things for granted... one being friendship.
I wonder what gives people the right to think they can literally demand things of people without speaking with them first and then giving a nonchalant "if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't don't worry about it" response. That is plain selfish.
Just because some people are fine with assuming that their inconvenience does not bother other people does not mean that the inconvenience doesn't bother people. It may sound redundant, but really, think about it.
Why are some people so comfortable with making others make adjustments for them but never compromising on their end? They make people go out of the way for them, yet they do nothing in return.
Let's take for an example, if a friend invited you out to dinner for your birthday and you invite other people, do you assume that friend will pay for all your friends that tagged along? Would you even think it fair to ask such a stupid question? Sounds obvious - but apparently not to some.
Anyway, I can go on and on, but I don't want to point fingers - it is that Christmas time and if I'm going to be forgiving I should be extra forgiving around this time of year...