Day 4: Operation Get SKINNY

Legs & Back... minus the back since I'm incapable of any significant back exercises...

25 minutes
Can't stand without legs buckling...
What is this craziness... one leg wall squats... do I look like superwoman?????

Day 3: Operation Get SKINNY

March 8
41 minutes of Kenpo
The kicks tore my back apart... don't think I'll get be able do those 100% without pain.
I don't even have to wait for tomorrow to know this is going to hurt like.... *fill in with "choice" word*
Super jiggly.... trying to get into the shower and hope I don't fall over!

Summer & bikini here I come!!! WOOT WOOT WOOT

Day 1&2: Operation get SKINNY

March 6
32 minutes P90X yoga

March 7
Obliques feel like they've been through an MMA match with GSP and some...
Triceps also very sore...
Overall, not bad