I learnt that some people can only focus on the immediate problem. While the circumstances and environmental factors affect the problem, they choose to ignore it and only nit pick at the one thing. They become so narrowed minded that nothing is ever an issue. When you dissect something down to so small a piece, of course you have nothing; of course that tiny piece is irrelevant all of a sudden. Yet, forgetting to zoom out, they often do not realize that without that tiny piece, the integral whole is now incomplete.
There's a slight tangent being drawn, but one with probable cause. I learnt that people who have a need to dissect things down to insignicant pieces lack the ability to take responsibility in their lives. They become the casualty of what I term self-victimization. Basically all their actions and reactions have no consequences or bearing on self, they are all things done upon them by someone else; some other factor. An obvious example: One cannot mope and say "I am so much worst off then the rest of the world because I live on the streets" when one chose, without uncompromisable circumstances, to live on the streets. How do you feel sorry for someone who is in their current situation when they willingly chose to be in that situation?
In closing the tangent, my point is these people need to wake up and look at themselves and realize that things happen around them, within them for a reason. No one coerced them into their decisions. If in turn, the decisions cause an undesireable outcome, one must take responsibility to change it and not use the world as their scapegoat and do nothing with fantastical hopes that things will change on their own.
The world is not a stage and life is not just a film. Cut and paste is not a function is society, contrary to popular belief.
Every action has a greater or equal reaction.
When you cannot take control of your life, nothing will come of it. When you let those who should mean anything slip away because you cannot be bothered to give them priority, they will go away. When all you can do is feel sorry for yourself and never consider that your state is self-inflicted, you will never learn to cherish and respect all that is around you and stop taking for granted that the world is there for your blaming. Wake up, there's more to it then "I didn't do it".
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