Has Been

Dear Doug,

You're one of my favorite Sports Columnist - but really, can we drop the Vince Carter talks.
The reality is he is a HAS BEEN.  You can all disagree with me all you want but I think it's the truth.  I'm not saying he's not talented.  I'm saying he's a WASTE of talent.  He's had the chance(s) to be something amazing, but he even openly admits that he just wants to be mediocre.

“There are countless ways of attaining greatness, but any road to reaching one's maximum potential must be built on a bedrock of respect for the individual, a commitment to excellence, and a rejection of mediocrity.”
Buck Rogers

I will be at the Orlando game to continue booing him, not because of what he did to Toronto, but because of what he isn't as a basketball player.  He embarrases the whole league when he implies he doesn't care that the fans have paid to see him perform with his lack of interest and passion for the game.  BOO TO YOU VC!!

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