Dear Mr. C,
We're on the brink of the All-Star game - which means the season is nearing an end... (realistically speaking). Let's review this "exciting" year you promised with your "Dear Mandy" letter...
1) 14-37 0.275
2) finally snapping 13-game losing streak
3) Opponent 104.98 PPG (15th in offense...)
4) 23rd in defense
5) 31 games left... even if we win them all (HA HA) we'd still only be at 44-37, which I guess... could... technically put us in 6th place... if everyone else manages to only win 1/2 of their games left... which still means we're possibly playing Miami - and that would be a 4-0 series to be honest...and even if it's Chicago - maybe 5-1?
So... in conclusion - what exactly was I supposed to be excited about?
You failed - beyond failed - Mr. C - and not that I can do your job better, but then again, I don't think I can do it any worse either. If you were taking this year as the potential "build" by freeing up $ for an amazing sign year in 2012 - I would commend you.... but: This tells me enough.
If you want Toronto to be taken as less of a joke, try spending some money for some big players (no offense current team, there are so many of you that I LOVE....) and less big players that are past their prime and keeping our bench warm. I am a Raptors fanatic, but this year, you've given me nothing to be a fanatic about - in fact, now that it really matters to you, but I usually end up going to 5-6 games a year. This year, didn't consider buying a single set of tickets. I went to more Leafs games than I did Raptors and I really don't care for the Leafs much.
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