Our Country is F***ed Up!

I read an article about spanking children and was already disturbed by how many people go left-field with the concept... Beating children isn't a good thing - obviously - but a mild spanking - to each his own...

|Former Terrorist Wants to Be Lawyer|

I'm sorry - WTF?! And people are vouching for him?!  This man wanted to crash a plane - use it as a bomb and we should give him a chance to convict his own kind (I don't mean skin colour, but terrorists).  I can almost imagine every trial he presides over.... I don't care if he thinks he's rehabilitated.  A cop who does something illegal like... drugs... gets his badge stripped.  Even referees in professional sports get stripped of their title if caught gambling in sports.  These two things suffice to say aren't as severe as being an active terrorist.

Wait - another question, why is he in this country AND why was he allowed to study at York?  There are so many young people here, NOT offenders of any sort, save the stolen candy bar at age 8 who actually have a future ahead of them.  Why are we reserving the space in an educational institution for a criminal - C-R-I-M-I-N-A-L???? 

Oh right - it's North America standards... Just like the US, if you're the general population you can't get treated if you're sick, you have to be a convicted felon to get the best health care in the world.

I say, hand over all that is good and righteous; all that keeps the wars and terrors at bay over to exactly people like this - and on a a silver platter.  Be sure to include the best wine on the menu.

For F***'s sakes!

The Other 14 Things

15. Finish my unfinished pieces (right now 3x)
16. Formalize my business plan for CityScapes
17. See the Aurora Borealis
18. Go back to Bon Echo - Get pics of... the Pictographs
19. Start Pilates
20. Get a dog
21. Get two dogs
22. Plant tomatoes trees (? bush? vine?)
23. Go to Medieval Times 
24. Not missing Dreams in High Park again
25. Stratford for Shaw Fest
26. Tree Top Zip Line
27. Back Country Algonquin
28. Start thinking about next year's 29 things :)

At first it was scary, another year closer to 30, but now I think I'm saying "bring it on!" 

The First 14 Things

1. Apartment
3. Title Change
4. 13% body fat
5. D-E-B-T-F-R-E-E
6. An Art Easel
7. A Book Collection
8. Visit Northern Ontario
9. Go snow shoeing - in the dark
10. Camp, in winter
11. Golf A LOT
12. Finish my book
13. Visit Ball's Falls
14. Start guitar lessons

The Want List

Today, the list is about books (not in a specific order):

Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol
Diana Gabaldon - An Echo In the Bone
Margaret Atwood - The Year of the Flood
Nicolas Sparks - The Last Song
Douglas Coupland - Generation A
Wally Lamb - The Hour I First Believed
Robert Wright - The Confusion of God
Lawrence Hill - The Book of Negroes
Ken Follet - Pillars of the Earth
Alice Munro - Too Much Happiness
Randy Pausch - The Last Lecture
Po Bronson - Nutureshock: New Thinking About Children
Michael J. Fox - Always Looking Up

That's a whole lot of reading for someone with not a whole lot of time.

Protein Shakes

Anybody who knows me knows I'm a VERY picky eater and very sensitive to tastes.
So for me to find a protein shake is just like the needle in the haystack challenge with one more glitch - I cannot consume WHEY... which usually is in 99% of protein powders :S

So... I went on a search - into the world of vegetables and non-whey...

Tried Isomax's Soy - but turns out there's Whey - not good, but was tasty

Then tried Greens+ OMG gross... Why does everything Greens make taste like sh*t???

Then finally tried the Vega Protein - when I opened it and took a sniff I almost cried - surprisingly however, it is the BEST protein I've come across - even better then some of the whey complex ones that actually tastes decent.

Thank you Mr. Triathelon!

It's More than Sleep

I've decided since I spent a fortune on Manduka, it is being credited for my most amazing sleep last night.  Or more correctly, doing my 45 minute yoga on Manduka.

I fell into a dead sleep in which I did not wake up until my alarm went off.  When the alarm sounded, I thought it was noon.

For the first time in about 5 years, I have slept through the night and without dreams.

Thank you Manduka!

What a Mat!


I found an eco friendly yoga mat...
... that supports my back because of it's cushioning....
... has a lifetime guarantee...
... is made in an emission free way...
... cost me 3x what a normal mat at lululemon would cost...

but still...

P90X's yoga X is still super intense...

but wow... what a difference it makes!

Why Are There Dumb Drivers

So... yesterday, on my way home from work, my light turned green, so naturally I went ahead to accelerate to meet speed limit (70 km/h) at which point some woman at the intersection wanting to turn right (into on coming traffic) makes a last minute decision to do so in a 4 cyclinder car - then needs to get ALL the way to the left lane (4 lanes across) to make the left at the light about 200 meters away.  I had already reached about 70 kim/h she had trouble cutting me off and was very tight in making her left turn.  I looked over to find her swearing at me and giving me the finger.

Is there something wrong with this picture?  This woman cuts ME off, doesn't have the sense to know not to try and cut traffic like that in rush hour and then proceeds to cuss at me.

Stupid woman.  All I could do was shoot her a big smile - I think that pissed her off even more.

Fanged Frog????

Animals I love - weird ones never seen before, even better!  Welcome to the dormant volanic world of Papua New Guinea....

NASSSTY, but intriguing

Giant rat?

Fruit Dove

Teeny Parrot

Hairy Caterpillar (ew)

I'm not convinced it's fanged, but I have a new favorite frog

The Fall List

In light of a summer gone and too much time not doing what I should have been doing - here's a list to start the fall:

A little more of:
  • Sunsets by the lake
  • rollerblading
  • yoga & P90X
  • trying new foods
  • day trip adventures
  • street fests
  • movies
  • picture taking
  • drawing
  • finishing my paintings
  • guitar lessons!
  • golfing
  • good eating habits
A LOT less of:
  • facebook
  • sitting around
  • eating to be full
  • worrying about bills!!! WOO HOO good bye car payments
  • procrastinating
  • injuring my back
  • breaking my own promises

Last Summer Long Weekend 2009

This year, no pictures.
Things I missed out on this summer:
  • Campfires
  • Hiking trails
  • Meteor shower
  • Summerlicious kick off
  • Just For Laughs
  • Montreal
  • Taste of the Danforth
  • Rollerblading
  • Golfing *sniffle*
  • Hurting my back
  • Watching the sun set by the lake
Things I did too much of:
  • Unionville
  • Cancelling plans
  • Sitting around
  • Shopping
  • Nursing my back
  • Nothing

Terror in My House

The terror in my house is back.
They returned at about 2am in the morning and made insane amounts of noise.
Why can people be more considerate.
The house was so peaceful and CLEAN for a week and a half.
Now... Who knows.
There should a law against raising children up in a pig sty.  I'm going to look into it!


As the title indicates....
The blogs have been merged.