Either Way...

I can deal with attention deficit.
I can deal with multi-tasking something of importance.
Can't however... deal with not even being able to be given the time of day for 2 minutes.
If at all important, it should be glaringly obvious.

30 Days

... 由 這 一 分 鐘 我 一 生 就 只 有 您 (From this minute on, I live my life for you)
... 明 日 縱 使 不 堪 阻 不 到 我 用 心 愛 您 (No matter how bad tomorrow is, it won't stop me from loving you)
... 讓 我 終 於 都 明 瞭 明 白 您 比 生 死 重 要  (finally realize that you are more important than life or death)
....讓 我 終 於 不 動 搖 這 改 變 因 您, 原 諒 我 卻 試 過 傷 害 您 (It is you who's made me want to change; forgive me for ever trying to hurt you)

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