The Apple

Kingdom: Plantae
Class: Magnoliophyta
Family: Rosaceae
Genus: Malus
Eve was seduced into eating the forbidden fruit.
It cost her paradise but gave her sight.
Hercules sought it, growing on the Tree of Life.
He found it.

1956: The Four Brothers sung, "You're the Apple of My Eye"

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

1977: The birth of Apple Inc
Now owning the largest market share in MP3 systems.

The apple made Snow White choke.
Despite being "dead" for so long, a bump in her coffin caused it to dislodge.
And she woke up.

Apple seeds contain amygdalin, which can shut down the body's metabolic functions.
This can cause death.

Fuji apples are my favorite.

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