Fables 6-9 - Catching Up....

Fable 6: The Homelands
Boy Blue - kicked some serious ass....
Ghepetto... I'm disappointed in you
Fable 9: Sons of Empire

Fable 7: Arabian Nights (and Days)
I was bored...
Something about some cloud kingdom ya dee da...
Fable 8: Wolves
Bigby was hiding out in the forest somewhere amongst a wolf pack... "Vincent" finds him to return to do the dirty work
He blows up the sacred forest in the Homelands and gives Ghepetto an ultimatum....
Fable 9: Sons of Empire
Christmas - Bigby fights his big brothers while visiting Gramps...
Flycatcher is turned back into human form and given his memory back...
Santa Claus is a fable too!! Awesome

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